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Encoder Counter Cards

Encoder Counter Cards


  • 32-bit PCI Bus, plug and play
  • 4-axis 28-bit counters, up to 5 MHz (X4 is 20 MHz)
  • Counters for quadrature AB phase encoder or general purpose up/down counter
  • Supports differential and single-ended inputs
  • Latches 4 axes' positions by 2 triggers with interrupt function
  • Auxiliary +5V encoder supply
  • 32 DI and 32 DO, 32 of 51 inputs with interrupt function, initial level of 32 outputs settable.
  • LED and buzzer outputs, which are synchronous with trigger signals
  • One 37-pin rugged connector for encoder signals, two 40-pin header connectors for I/O

Designed to interface industry standard rotary shaft encoders and linear encoders to PC compatible computers, the ENC7480 incremental encoder interface makes it possible to measure position, velocity and acceleration in such wide ranging applications as co-ordinate measuring machines, robotics and CNC machine tools.

Based on a custom designed ASIC quadrature counter, the ENC7480 interface card provides four independent encoder channels each with a 28-bit position counter with a maximum count rate of 4MHz. The ENC7480 contains a powerful event system which allows events generated by a trigger signal to latch encoder positions. Further more, 64 digital I/O are provided.

A comprehensive software support package includes libraries and examples for modern rapid application development tools such as Visual Basic, Visual C. Plug and Play software support for Windows 98/2000/ME/XP and NT enables simple installation and automatic configuration of up to 5 interfaces supporting a total of 20 encoders.

Available Products

Model Series # of Encoder Inputs Max Encoder
Input Frequency
# of General
Purpose Inputs
# of General
Purpose Outputs
Number of Triggers
ENC7480ENC420 MHz per axis32322