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ES2 Series - High Performance ES2 Easy Servo


  • No loss of steps, No tuning Low extra motor heating
  • Higher torque at high speed Better performance of ES2 motors
  • High torque at starting &low speed
  • High Stiffness at standstill Better cost-effectiveness
  • Smooth motion& extra low noise
  • Current output based on load Lower energy consumption
The ES2 series easy servos cleverly combined the advantages of AC servo and stepper motor, while it remains high cost-effective. It adopts the advanced vector control technology, using the internal encoder to close the position, velocity and current loops in real time. It guarantees close to and even better performance than AC servos in applications with less than 2500RPM speed at much lower prices, which can help to enhance the competitiveness of your equipment.
Available Products in ES2 Series
Model Control Type Series Phase Supply Voltage

Output Current


Encoder Revolution
Stepper Motors
ES2-D508Step & Direation/ CW & CCWES2224-50 VDC0.5-81000, 2500, 5000NEMA 17, 23, 24
ES2-3DA2306Step & Direation/ CW & CCWES23180 - 230 VAC0.5 - 61000, 2500, 5000NEMA 34, 42